
Connectify Hotspot PRO is an easy to use software router for Windows computers that utilizes your PC’s built in Wi-Fi card to wirelessly share any available Internet connection with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. Connectify Hotspot PRO can act as your primary router or even a Wi-Fi extender for your home router. With just a few clicks you’ll instantly have Wi-Fi in that hard to reach basement or bedroom! Additionally, you can configure Hotspot PRO to work as a wireless to wired-ethernet bridge for connecting older devices and gaming systems to the Internet.

Connectify Dispatch is an easy-to-use software load balancer that lets you combine bandwidth from all your computer’s Internet connections. Got Wi-Fi AND 4G? Two Wi-Fi adapters? Ethernet AND 3G? Dispatch will work with any and all of these technologies to increase your bandwidth. Seamlessly. Dispatch is particularly well-suited for BitTorrent and web pages – any download that naturally involves multiple files. While monolithic streams like Netflix can’t be split across connections, the Dispatch load balancer will assign them to the fastest connection – and route other requests to secondary connections. Fast AND smart. With Dispatch’s metered connections you can avoid costly overages by assigning bandwidth caps to your expensive 3G and 4G connections. In addition by setting their Priority level to Backup, Dispatch will only route traffic through them if your Primary connections fail. Fast, smart, AND frugal.

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